This week is really a fun idea not a recipe. If you have donut lovers in your house, they're going to love these! Super easy, use your favorite donut shop donuts and just a hint, get more donut holes or timbits than donuts, cause you know you're going to eat a few while you're building your spider friends;)
Spider Donut
Honey glazed donut (as many as you like)
Timbits or donut holes - chocolate glazed (match the number of donuts)
googly eyes (I found mine at Superstore, but I'm sure Michaels, Bulkbarn or any other grocery store may have them)
Pipe the legs on using an icing tube or fill a ziploc with icing, cut a small hole and pipe the legs.
Add the timbit to the top
Make 2 dots of icing for the eyes
Add the googly eyes.
And you're done!
Happy Halloween:)