March 27, 2022 2 min read

How YOU doin? (think of Joey from friends saying this as you read it). It's beginning to feel a bit like spring. The birds are singing, the sun is sometimes shining and the temperatures are starting to get a little better - after this week, we should be good - fingers crossed. And... mini eggs are in the stores!!! If any of you follow East Coast Andy, you'll have seen this recipe - if you don't follow him, you should. He's really entertaining and his recipes are good;) This is his recipe for Mini Egg Fudgy Brownies. Here's the 411 on this brownie (it was discussed at length at our weekly family dinner). This brownie is a dark, really deep chocolate. What we mean by this is that it is not like a box mix where the brownie is more sweet than chocolate - make sense? It's a really good texture, very fudge-like as promised and the addition of the mini eggs sends it out of the park. It looks super impressive with all the mini eggs, and the mini eggs add a lovely crunch. All in all, this is a good brownie and definitely worth a try - let me know if you make it and what you think. (p.s. there was not a crumb left, so that really says it all)

Soo... let's get to it

Mini Egg Brownie

In a bowl, add in and beat for 2 minutes
1/2 c. melted butter (should be warm)
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 c. + 2 tbsp. sugar

Add to the butter mixture and beat for another 2 minutes until light and creamy
2 large eggs
2 tsp. vanilla

Into your bowl, add in and gently mix - do not overmix
1/3 c. crushed mini eggs
1/2 c. grated or shaved semi sweet chocolate
1/2 c. flour (spooned into measuring cup)
1/2 c. cocoa

Pour batter into an 8x8 pan that you've lined with parchment paper - make sure the edges that are showing have been greased with cooking spray or oil. (grease the whole pan before you put the parchment down - that will help keep the parchment from moving around). The parchment lets you remove the brownie from the pan without it sticking to the bottom of the baking dish.

Sprinkle the top with salt before baking.

Bake at 350 for about 18-22 minutes, until the center is set - you want it to be fudgy, so don't overbake.

Let cool.

Add to the bowl of your mixer (I cover mine with a teatowel to prevent the dusting of my kitchen) If it seems a bit dry, just let it continue to beat - it should get better. Beat for 2- 3 minutes.
1 c. butter (room temp)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. icing sugar
5 tbsp. cocoa
1 1/2 tbsp. milk or cream

Spread over the top of your cooled brownie.

Top with 1 c. crushed mini eggs.

Using the pieces of parchment that are showing, lift the brownie from the baking pan, cut into squares and....


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