February 06, 2022 1 min read

I don't know about you but lately I've been on a big soup kick. So instead of bread, I've been making biscuits. They're so easy to make, and so delicious with a big steamy bowl of soup. They can be made ahead, but we like them right out of the oven, warm and ready to melt the slab of butter that you spread over them. You can make them in whatever shape you like, use a cookie cutter, biscuit cutter or if you don't have either, an upside down glass works fine too.

So, let's get baking....

In your mixing bowl, add in and whisk together
2 c. flour (spooned in)
1 tbsp. b. powder
1/4 tsp. b. soda
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp salt (I use fine sea salt)

Add in and mix until crumbly (I use my fingers to get it to the pebble size)
6 tbsp butter - I freeze my butter and grate it into the flour mixture - makes mixing the butter into your flour so much easier.

Now add in and mix until the dough comes together (will be crumbly)
3/4 c. buttermilk*

Put the dough onto a floured surface and form it into a ball. Turn and flatten, turn and flatten. Now press down into a 1/2" ish thick rectangle and using your cutters, cut into biscuits.

Brush tops with buttermilk.

Place onto a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 400 for about 12-15 minutes or until lightly browned

*buttermilk substitute
1 tbsp vinegar + milk to make a 1 cup measure


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