March 17, 2024 1 min read

Do you have china teacups hiding in the back of your cupboard? Are they just taking up space? Here's an idea that doesn't involve making tea or really, doing too much work! I love to use different types of things to hold my desserts. Take a simple, no fuss, ordinary kind of dessert and make it a bit more special by putting it in a vintage teacup. This recipe isn't really a recipe. It's more of an idea and a way to incorporate things that have some history into your table.

Let's get to my recipe (or really, my how to)

Dr. Oetkers Milk Chocolate Mousse - follow the directions on the package

Spoon it into 4 teacups (they are smallish portions)

Top it with whipping cream (buy it in the can or whip it fresh)

Top that with some smashed mini eggs (perfect for Easter)

Pop it into the fridge, until you're ready to serve it.

A light, refreshing dessert to finish off your dinner:)


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